Basic Web Design Video Embedding Tutorial Assignment

To learn how to embed a video into a webpage you have to follow these steps.

Step 1

This will work only if you are hosting the video

Confirm the type of video format it is and download it. The file will either be .mp4, .ogg, or .webm. After downloading it input the code in this style:
<...source src="" type="video/mpeg"...> <.../video...>
(When doing the actual code, remove the periods next to the brackets)

Step 2

When you have the video you can adjust the height and width with these:
< width="320px" height="240px"...>
(When doing the actual code, remove the periods next to the brackets)

The following steps below will teach you how to embed a video that isn't yours.

Step 1

The first step is to go to youtube and select a video you like as shown below.

Step 2

The next step is to click share and after a small tab pops up, then click embed.

Step 3

The step is to click copy and then paste it into your html page.

This is what your video should look like!